
Bright in Bhutan

It has been just over three weeks here in the stunning kingdom of Bhutan. We, students, are honored to be guests of the royal government as we study forest ecology and Himalayan livelihoods.

Ever since I arrived in Bhutan I have been in awe of the natural beauty of the country. I have been so lucky to have seen such a range of areas in Bhutan in a span of only 3 weeks.

I have met so many wonderful people, both in the program and in the community. I have become so inspired by the people who surround me, inspired to break out of my comfort zone, to live my truth, and to strive for kindness, integrity, and adventure. Through my travels here, I have seen so many incredible Buddhist structures, traditions, and monasteries.

The group took a week-long trip to the center of Bhutan to the cities of Punakha and Phobjikha. We had to travel over a high mountain pass called Dochula pass. These stupas stand at the top of the pass at just over 10,000 feet above sea level.

We have been very busy with academics, but we are so lucky to be able to enjoy some free time as well. We visited one of the grandest monasteries in Bhutan, located in Punakha.

Since I am so preoccupied with the expedited academic schedule of the program, it has been difficult to get time to myself and contemplate the beauty of this kingdom. During a trip to the Chele La pass, I was able to take a moment and be mindful, thinking of the feeling of being at 13,000 feet (the highest I’ve ever been outside of an airplane), surrounded by mountains, prayer flags, and clouds.

As we round the half-way point of the summer program, I find myself eternally grateful for having this opportunity. My mind is especially consumed by the next steps in my life. The credits I am earning here are my final credits in my degree and I feel as though I am standing between two worlds; one foot in academics, and one foot in graduate life. This last picture is one of my favorites, a bridge between American pop culture and the traditional architecture in Bhutan. This reference to Tupac which proudly adorns a powerbox in Thimphu lives 12,244.6 kilometers from California.

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